Our Story
We are a charity made up of citizens, healthcare professionals and organisations who want to see high streets that provide ample seating for people with mobility & fatigue issues.
Seat Spot is a new Scottish Charity which was formed in February 2020 a few weeks before the first lockdown. The Seat Spot team are a small group of 5 dedicated volunteers made up of a variety of people including those with mobility issues, and healthcare professionals. We aim to address issues of social isolation, to motivate people of all ages who are experiencing mobility and fatigue issues to feel confident about leaving their homes and once again being able to play an active part in their local communities.
We are championing the need for shops, retail parks and council buildings to provide some accessible seating within their premises for people of all ages, who experience mobility and fatigue issues. We believe that this is a simple solution to reduce social exclusion in our high streets and town centres.
There are advantages to local businesses, as we believe that customers will be more inclined to visit a business that provides accessible seating.
SEAT SPOT will provide participating businesses with branded window stickers so that people will be able to see before going into the shop or council building whether there is a Seat Spot available. Having Seat Spots in as many shops and council buildings in as many High Streets as possible will provide a simple solution to a problem which negatively affects many people when out and about using our High Streets and town centres.
Our aim
The aim of Seat Spot is to work with retailers, shopping centres and councils throughout the United Kingdom, both large and small, and encourage them to participate fully in providing seats within their premises which can be used by people of all ages with mobility and fatigue issues.
We also aim to support and empower individuals of all ages with mobility and fatigue issues to fully support the campaign and engage with their local retailers, shopping centres and councils both large and small. We want to help people actively encourage their local shops, councils and businesses to participate in the initiative.
"Becoming a Seat Spot extends a warm welcome to members of our community who often feel like they do not belong."
Louise Pollard, Chartered Physiotherapist